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Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, warned Monday that the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine does not mean people should drop "normal, standard public health measures."


Another instance of looting in Chinatown happened during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. "We know about the extent of such looting from dispatches by the National Guard commander to his superiors," said Chan. "A sample of such a dispatch recites that even 15 to 20 National Guard troopers had been arrested for looting 'principally in Chinatown' after the Great Earthquake and Fire."


Anthony Bay recently joined Amazon.com as a vice president, one of a number of recent hires from the Seattle startup community at the giant online retailer. His specific role at the company, disclosed in a LinkedIn bio, wasn’t disclosed.?Bay most recently served as CEO of MOD Systems, the Seattle maker of digital media kiosks which fell on tough times after founder Mark Phillips was convicted last year of embezzling funds from the company. Prior to MOD, Bay served as chairman of Loudeye. He served as vice president of the digital media division at Microsoft in the late 90s. Amazon.com has been investing heavily in digital media efforts, including electronic books, music and video.


Another 1 million is being used to upgrade and restore the Rumford mill in Maine.


Another driver is an ever-expanding demographic that is defined as three-generation travel. This refers to travelers seeking more spacious hotels, with an increasing variety of needs, and more leisure time, unplugging from stressful urban life and relaxing with family and friends, Schroeder said.


